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Diaspo #348 : Moroccan athlete inspired by daughter to pursue Jiu-Jitsu in France and Singapore
Publié dans Yabiladi le 27 - 07 - 2024

Sana el Aarbaoui transitioned from sailing to Brazilian jiu-jitsu, inspired by her daughter. Although she started the sport at the age of 40, she has achieved notable success in the martial arts world, including winning the world championship in December 2023.
Children often follow in their parents' footsteps, but Sana el Aarbaoui broke this tradition by following her 15-year-old daughter's lead and started practicing Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
Sana's journey into sports began long ago with sailing, a sport far removed from martial arts. She explored this sport while studying in France, where she moved after graduating high school in 1999 in Casablanca. She pursued higher education in engineering in Grenoble and, after five years, graduated and worked in aeronautical engineering.
She quickly advanced in sailing, continuing to practice even after graduation. She describes the sport as something that «brings us closer to nature and teaches us to remain humble in the face of its power». Sana has participated in numerous international competitions, including the Wind Challenge in France and the African Sailing Championships in Algeria.
Sailing also allowed her to discover various regions in her home country, which are among the best places in the world to practice the sport. This passion led her to settle in Dakhla for nine years, where she opened a private sailing club. However, personal circumstances brought her back to France in 2019.
Shortly after her return and retirement from sailing, Sana decided to follow her then 12-year-old daughter into the world of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, a sport that focuses on grappling with a special emphasis on ground fighting, at the age of 40. She joined Gracie Barra Paris at the end of 2021. «I fell in love with the sport through my daughter; she was my main motivator to enter the world of martial arts», she said.
Sana experienced an indescribable sensation, «the same feeling I had when I was practicing sailing, and it became part of my daily life». She tells Yabiladi that Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu has helped her balance her professional, family, and athletic responsibilities.
«Since taking up the sport, my daily or work issues seem much smaller than they used to be. I've also become more effective, both personally and professionally».
Sana el Aarbaoui
Her first training session at Gracie Barra Paris on December 14, 2021, was a turning point in her life. Barely a month after starting, Sana chose to participate in her first competition. Although it seemed premature to those around her, she wanted to «face reality» and measure her abilities. She was defeated in that competition, but she saw it as a learning opportunity rather than a loss.
By identifying her mistakes and intensifying her training, the Khouribga native decided to compete again. Her efforts paid off, as she took second place at the European Jiu-Jitsu Championship held in January 2023, and in June 2023, she won the French championship.
On December 8, 2023, she won the World Championship held in Las Vegas, and at the end of January 2024, Sana finished second at the European Jiu-Jitsu Championship. She is currently preparing for the World Kimono Championship in August 2024.
A year ago, Sana moved to Singapore after accepting a job offer in engineering. She made this decision because the job allowed her to balance her career and sporting interests. Today, Sana strives to maintain a balance between three important aspects of her life: work, family, and sports.

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