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Six Moroccans freed from Myanmar scam ring after paying ransom, many still captive
Publié dans Yabiladi le 03 - 07 - 2024

Six Moroccans, abducted in Thailand and forced to work in a Myanmar scam call center, were released on June 2 after paying a ransoms of around US$10,000. Thai authorities is helping them return home.
Six Moroccan nationals, abducted by a call center scam gang in Myanmar, were helped by Thai authorities after their families paid around US$10,000 in ransom, Thai media reported.
They are not the first Moroccan nationals to be able to return home after paying ransom to the gang. The victims were initially lured with promises of high-paying e-commerce jobs in Thailand but were instead taken to rebel-controlled areas in Myanmar to work in cybercrime call centers.
Shortly after arriving in Thailand in February, they were transported to a village in Myanmar's Myawaddy district, where they were held captive and tortured.
The six Moroccan victims were released on Tuesday, July 2, after paying the ransom, the same source added, indicating it is unclear whether this amount was paid collectively or individually.
Initially, these victims had paid US$7,000 to the gang but did not gain their promised release. With assistance from Thai anti-trafficking organization, Exodus Road, and Thai authorities, the victims managed to secure their freedom by making the US$10,000 payment.
The Moroccan victims were then taken by Immigration Bureau officers to Tak province in northern Thailand, where they are awaiting their return to Morocco. They would be under the care of the Office of Social Development and Human Security until their trips back home are arranged.
The other Moroccan victims who remain in custody of the gang are still waiting for help. Aside from Moroccan nationals, victims from other countries like Sri Lanka, Kenya, Nigeria, Uganda, India, and the Philippines, are also waiting for assistance.
Many other Moroccan captives await release
Earlier this week, Exodus Road sought the help of Thailand Srettha Thavisin to free 21 Moroccan nationals abducted by the same gang. The organization decided to seek the Prime Minister's help after the Moroccan Embassy in Bangkok requested assistance from various agencies on May 17th in an official letter.
These agencies included the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Royal Thai Army, the Department of Special Investigation, and the Myanmar Embassy in Bangkok.
According to the foundation, the scam gang's headquarters in Myanmar asks for ransoms ranging from US$6,000 to US$7,000. Those who can't pay are forced to work as call center scammers and might be transferred to other scam operations.
Two other Moroccans were also released in June by the gang after paying a ransom of US$6,000, Exodus Road said. During the same month, Moroccan media announced the release of three Moroccans instead, who had reportedly paid the equivalent of 100,000 Dhs each to secure their freedom.
The two Moroccans told Exodus Road that they traveled to Thailand for e-commerce jobs and were promised between US$1,000 and US$2,000 as a salary.
After leaving Morocco in late February with five other compatriots, they landed in Bangkok and later traveled to the Mae Sot district in Tak province. There, they were picked up by a minivan and taken to Myanmar. The scam gang leaders, believed to be Chinese, forced the victims into scamming operations according to the survivors.
Exodus Road sought the help of the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army (DKBA), who investigated and identified each Moroccan victim.
For the record, Morocco's ambassador to Thailand said in May that the Moroccan embassy is taking all necessary precautions to ensure the safety of the kidnapped Moroccan citizens and prevent any reprisals.

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