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The Aidi, the loyal guardian of the Atlas Mountains
Publié dans Yabiladi le 02 - 07 - 2024

The Aidi, Morocco's national dog breed, is a majestic guardian with a rich history. This powerful dog, perfectly adapted to the Atlas Mountains, has guarded families and their flocks for centuries, and remains a vital part of rural Moroccan life.
The Aidi, also known as the Atlas Mountain Dog, is a guardian breed par excellence. Instinctive and fiercely loyal to its family, the Aidi is wary of strangers and highly alert to its surroundings.
For centuries, this majestic dog has inhabited the Atlas Mountains and plateaus of North Africa, particularly in Morocco, where it's considered the national dog breed. However, the Aidi's history remains shrouded in some mystery.
Some experts believe the Aidi is native to North Africa, a faithful companion of Amazigh tribes. Others posit it was introduced by the Phoenicians, ancient maritime traders who operated in the Mediterranean between 1550 BC and 300 BC.
Proponents of Phoenician origins argue that these traders, who bred and developed other dog breeds like the Basenji and Ibizan Hound, also created the Aidi. They point to the Phoenicians' established dye production center in present-day Morocco, which coincides with the recognized origin of the Aidi.
Guardian, not shepherd
The opposing view posits that the Aidi developed locally in the Atlas Mountains and later migrated with nomadic peoples to the Pyrenees Mountains of Europe. This theory suggests the Aidi might be the ancestor of the Pyrenean Mountain Dog. However, the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) disputes this claim. They emphasize that the Aidi has never been a sheepdog, despite a mistaken classification in 1963 (later corrected in 1969).
In Tamazight, the Amazigh language, «Aidi» simply means «dog». Its true purpose lies in guarding. The Amazigh tribes relied on the Aidi to protect their tents, belongings, and livestock from predators. The FCI clarifies that the Aidi doesn't herd flocks in the European sense.
Beyond its guarding duties, the Aidi works alongside another North African breed, the Sloughi. The Aidi's keen sense of smell and vigilance help the swift Sloughi locate prey during hunts.
Well-equipped for the harsh climate of the Atlas Mountains, the Aidi boasts a thick, double coat that provides insulation against both scorching summers and frigid winters. This coat also offers protection during potential confrontations while guarding its territory.
The Aidi has a solid, muscular build and a hairy tail. Males, in particular, exhibit a pronounced mane formed by longer guard hairs on the neck, withers, and chest. The breed's coat comes in various colors, including black, fawn, pale red, black and white, tawny, brindle, or a combination like fawn brindle with black. Widely spaced, rounded ears, powerful jaws, and dark, watchful eyes complete the Aidi's distinctive appearance.
Life with an Aidi
In Morocco, where the breed standard is maintained, Aidi dogs primarily continue their traditional role of guarding property and livestock in rural areas. They are not suited for small apartments given their need for exercise, and strong guarding instincts. A bored Aidi can become destructive.
If you seek a loyal, alert guardian, the Aidi can be a wonderful companion. Just be prepared for a dog that may bark readily, but will shower you with affection and unwavering devotion.

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