King Mohammed VI, Chairman of the Higher Council of Ulema, instructed the Council on Friday to examine certain points contained in the proposals of the body responsible for revising the Family Code. This examination should refer to the principles and precepts of Islam and its tolerant purposes, and a Fatwa should be submitted to the Sovereign, according to a statement by the Royal Cabinet. This referral follows the completion of the revision body's mission within the allotted time and the submission of its proposals to the King. Given that some proposals relate to religious texts, the Sovereign has «decided to refer the matter to the Higher Council of Ulema, which, in accordance with Article 41 of the Constitution, is the only body empowered to issue officially approved Fatwas», the press release stated. The King also called on the Higher Council of Ulema to consider the content of the royal letter addressed to the Head of Government during the preparation of its Fatwa. This letter advocates for adopting the virtues of moderation and open and constructive Ijtihad while adhering to the principle repeatedly emphasized by the King: one cannot make licit what is forbidden, nor forbid what is authorized, the press release concluded.