On Friday evening, Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita had a phone call with his US counterpart, Antony Blinken. A «productive discussion», State Department spokesman Mathiew Miller said during a press briefing. «The U.S. is grateful to Morocco for their regional leadership», he added. This exchange comes three weeks after the June 3 phone call between the two parties. On that occasion, Blinken presented his Moroccan counterpart with the Biden administration's proposal for a lasting ceasefire in Gaza and the release of all hostages. A roadmap welcomed by the kingdom. «Morocco, whose King Mohammed VI chairs the Al-Quds Committee, stresses the importance of the proposals put forward by US President Joe Biden, aimed at promoting the establishment of a lasting ceasefire in Gaza, access for humanitarian aid, the protection of civilians, the return of displaced persons, as well as the reconstruction of destroyed areas», said Moroccan diplomacy in a statement on June 4.