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European Elections : PSOE, PP, and Vox abandon Polisario
Publié dans Yabiladi le 08 - 06 - 2024

In Spain, right-wing and far-right parties have turned their back to the Polisario. Contrary to its relentless mobilization in both Houses of Parliament to condemn the support of the Prime Minister, Pedro Sanchez, for the Moroccan position on the Sahara, the People's Party has overlooked this issue in its program for the European elections on June 9.
An intriguing silence as the party, chaired by Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has made the defense of the Polisario's positions a priority. Since March 2022, the PP has continuously presented resolutions in both Houses of Parliament, denouncing Pedro Sanchez's support for the Moroccan autonomy plan in Western Sahara. Its latest act in this regard dates back to May 24. The non-binding text proposed to the deputies was adopted by 216 votes (PP, Vox, Sumar, ERC, Bildu, PNV, Podemos, and BNG) against 120 from the PSOE and 7 abstentions from the Catalan independents of Junts (Together).
Vox has also forgotten the Polisario in its electoral program, although its president Santiago Abascal has continuously called from the rostrum of the House of Representatives for a return to the «consensus broken by Pedro Sanchez» on the Sahara issue. It should be noted that the majority of far-right MEPs, who belong to the same matrix as Vox, defend Morocco in the European Parliament just like the Spanish socialists.
The PSOE mentioned the regional dispute in its program for the June 9 elections. «On the question of Western Sahara, we will promote EU actions aimed at supporting the personal envoy of the UN Secretary-General and achieving a solution within the framework of the United Nations. We will also promote European Union humanitarian aid to the Sahrawi population in the Tindouf camps in Algeria,» promised Pedro Sanchez's comrades. Faithful to the line followed by their leader, the socialists have remained silent on any reference to «the self-determination of the Sahrawi people» and the solution of a «referendum».
While the PP and Vox have evidently disappointed the Polisario, the separatist movement can console itself with Sumar's commitment to defend its positions in the European Parliament. The coalition of small far-left formations has promised «to send a mission to Western Sahara» to inquire about the human rights situation, and to «work for the European Union to recognize the Polisario Front as a legitimate interlocutor on issues related to the Sahara». Opinion polls give Sumar between 5 and 7% of voting intentions in the June 9 election, placing it 4th behind Vox, PSOE, and PP.

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