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Morocco's FM holds talks with Chinese counterpart
Publié dans Yabiladi le 29 - 05 - 2024

Morocco's Minister of Foreign Affairs Nasser Bourita held talks here Wednesday, with Chinese Foreign Minister, Wang Yi, also member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee.
During the meeting, the two countries reaffirmed their clear, constant and mutual support on fundamental issues pertaining to the vital interests of the Kingdom of Morocco and the People's Republic of China.
The two Ministers also lauded the depth and richness of the friendship and cooperation ties binding the two countries, and welcomed the dynamic and ambitious initiatives taken to strengthen bilateral political, economic and cultural ties.
The meeting was also an opportunity for both sides to examine the prospects for developing economic and commercial exchanges, particularly those offered by Morocco's global trade, through the encouragement of Chinese investments in the Kingdom.
In this regard, the Cité Mohammed VI Tanger-Tech, launched on the occasion of the Royal Visit to Beijing in 2016, is an ambitious industrial and smart city project, that illustrates the convergence of Moroccan and Chinese visions. The City aims to become a major hub for advanced technologies and new-generation industrial projects.
Growing Chinese investments in the Kingdom, particularly in electric mobility, automotive, renewable energies and infrastructure sectors, is evidence to the success of this initiative.
The talks were an opportunity to note the increase of Chinese tourist flows to Morocco, thanks to the lift of visa requirements for Chinese citizens since June 1, 2016, which has considerably strengthened cultural and human ties between the two friendly countries.
Bourita expounded the recent initiatives announced by King Mohammed VI, including the initiative geared towards promoting stability, security and economic prosperity in African countries bordering the Atlantic; the initiative to encourage access of Sahel countries to the Atlantic Ocean as well as the strategic Morocco-Nigeria gas pipeline project which aims to strengthen regional integration and boost economic development along Africa's Atlantic coast and beyond.
For his part, Wang Yi hailed the leadership of King Mohammed VI in promoting the Kingdom's stability and economic and social development, and praised Morocco's contribution to the promotion of regional and international peace and security.
The two ministers also welcomed the progress made under the «Belt and Road» Initiative, with the signing of the 2017 Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and the Implementation Plan for the joint construction of the initiative in 2022.
The talks also covered other regional and international issues of common interest.

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