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After three years, Spain still frayed over US recognition of Morocco's sovereignty over Sahara
Publié dans Yabiladi le 15 - 01 - 2024

Despite its passage three years ago, former US President Donald Trump's recognition of Moroccan sovereignty over Western Sahara continues to elicit scrutiny from research centers in Spain. The latest critique emanates from the Higher Center for National Defense Studies, a prominent think tank under the purview of the Spanish Ministry of Defense.
The recent recognition by the United States of Morocco's sovereignty over Western Sahara has further strained relations between Morocco and its neighbor to the north, Spain. This assertion is further supported by a newly issued report from the Spanish Ministry of Defense's Higher Center for National Defense Studies, portions of which have been made public by Iberian media outlets.
«Although Spain is a NATO ally of the United States and hosts one of its most important naval bases in Rota, the United States has preferred to prioritize its relations with a non-democratic regime which questions its respect for human rights», reads said report.
«In exchange for strengthening Israeli security, Morocco offered the United States more than Spain, hence the decision regarding Western Sahara», reads the report, referring to the recognition by the US of Morocco's sovereignty over the Sahara, made public on December 10, 2020 by former President Donald Trump. Since then, «Morocco has become an important regional partner of the United States on security issues», the report noted.
In 2021, a think tank warned against the impact of Trump's decision on Spain
The report asserts that Morocco's actions exemplify a successful diplomatic strategy in the context of contemporary strategic competition, «contrasting it with the Spanish government's inadequate response, indicative of its inability to comprehend and adapt to the dynamic geostrategic environment».
Furthermore, the remarks of the Higher Center for National Defense Studies reinforce the analysis made public in August 2021 by the Spanish Institute for Security and Culture in its report, «Morocco, the Strait of Gibraltar and the military threat to Spain». In particular, the report analyzed the implications of Donald Trump's decision recognizing Moroccan sovereignty over Western Sahara, dedicating three chapters to the topic: relations between Morocco and the United States, the status of Morocco, and Morocco's African strategy».
The Institute noted that «Morocco was able to take advantage of Trump and Netanyahu's strategy in the Middle East and the Palestinian conflict, masterfully delaying the reestablishment of diplomatic relations with Israel until it obtained recognition from the States».
The research center asserted that the implications of Donald Trump's decision would extend far beyond the mere formalization of pre-existing relations between Rabat and Tel Aviv. They predicted a reconfiguration of political patterns across the Maghreb, the Sahel, and sub-Saharan Africa. The report further delineated the consequences of this recognition for Morocco's positioning within the Maghreb, Africa, with particular emphasis on the Sahel, and Europe.
Almost three years after the publication of this report, King Mohammed VI launched, on November 6, the initiative for access of Sahel countries to the Atlantic Ocean, which Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso joined on December 23.

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