The Algerian authorities do not recognize the passport issued by the Polisario, according to the account Sahrawi lawyer and diplomat, Haddamin Mouloud Said. The man who is known for his pro-Polisario positions, during international conferences and through his articles, took to X to denounce the situation. «The port of Mostaganem does not recognize the SADR», he argued in a post on X. Algerian customs asked Haddamin to provide another foreign travel document in order to let him enter Algeria. «Finally, I gave in. Very angry, but I gave in», he admitted. In July 2022, an Algerian court in the Wilaya of Tindouf rejected movement authorizations issued by the Polisario, presented then by the lawyer of Sahrawis accused by the court of smuggling. To justify its decision, the court affirmed that on Algerian territory there is only one State and not two.