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Morocco celebrates its first International Day of Argania
Publié dans Yabiladi le 10 - 05 - 2021

Proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly at the initiative of Morocco, the International Day of Argania is celebrated for the first time on May 10, 2021.
A species native to the southwestern region of Morocco, the Argan tree grows in arid and semi-arid areas. Resistant to drought, erosion and soil poverty, it covers more than 800,000 hectares in Souss-Massa, Marrakech-Safi and Guelmim-Oued Noun. On the occasion of the World Day of this tree, the UN recalled that the Argan groves are not only important in terms of conservation, but also for scientific research and development and its uses are for forests, agriculture and livestock.
(1/2) May 10th is the result of a resolution adopted by both Morocco and UN General Assembly , in New York, March 3rd 2021. @UN @Morocco_UN #IntDayOfArgania
— International Day of Argania (@IntDayArgania) May 10, 2021
Moreover, «the world-renowned argan oil is extracted from the seeds and has multiple applications, especially in traditional and complementary medicine and in the culinary and cosmetic industries», adds the supranational organization. «The argan tree is typically a multipurpose tree that supports income generation, increases resilience and improves climate adaptation, playing a very important role in achieving the three dimensions of sustainable development - economic, social and environmental - at the local level», the UN added.
A wealth that guarantees food security and sustainable investment
Around this tree has been built a «unique argan-based agro-forestry-pastoral system», which is based in particular on traditional and reasonable management of water and on the conservation of biodiversity. The UN also recalls that «the sustainable argan production sector contributes to the economic empowerment and financial inclusion of local communities, especially women living in rural areas. Cooperatives are instrumental in promoting local job opportunities and can play an important role in contributing to food security and in eradicating poverty».
«For centuries, the argan tree has been a mainstay of the Berber and Arab-origin indigenous rural communities, which developed a specific culture and identity, sharing their traditional knowledge and skills through non-formal education, particularlythe unique knowledge associated with the traditional production of argan oil by women».
Strengthening the preservation of the Argan tree
This resolution calls on the various stakeholders to pay attention to strengthening international cooperation in favor of the protection of the Argan tree, for its role in the preservation of biodiversity. The text also recognizes that practices related to Argan and the sector of its sustainable production contribute to the economic empowerment and financial inclusion of local populations, in particular rural women.
In Morocco, this day is marked by the holding of webinars by the Mohammed VI Foundation for the Research and Safeguarding of the Argan Tree (FMVI.RSA). An event will also be organized in Agadir, under the chairmanship of Aziz Akhannouch, Minister of Agriculture, Maritime Fisheries, Rural Development and Water and Forests.
This celebration is the result of an initiative launched by the Kingdom in February 2020, on the occasion of an event organized by the country in collaboration with the National Agency for the Development of Oasis Zones and Argan (ANDOZA), the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), FAO, UNESCO and WHO. The meeting ended with the launch of the negotiation process for the resolution on International Argan Day.

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