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Moroccan internet users respond to an Algerian channel that parodied King Mohammed VI
Publié dans Yabiladi le 13 - 02 - 2021

Many Moroccan Internet users reacted to a sequence broadcast on the Algerian channel Echourouk caricaturing King Mohammed VI. Even the head of the Moroccan government expressed his indignation in a diplomatic tone.
Algerian TV channel Echourouk, close to military circles, caricatured King Mohammed VI in a satirical talk show, which parodied the head of state as a puppet.
The presenter pretended to interview the Sovereign and asked him about normalization of ties with Israel, as well as the United States' recognition of Morocco's sovereignty over the Sahara. He also addressed speculations on the Biden administration's final say on the recognition and hostilities against Algeria.
In Morocco, the show stirred controversy and a wave of criticism. Internet users denounced the show, stressing that «the King is a red line» not to cross. Others demanded from the Algerian military regime an official and firm response.
Reaction of Moroccan officials
Morocco's head of government Saadeddine El Othmani reacted on Twitter to the show. «In view of the country's continued successes on more than one level, and in the Moroccan Sahara issue in particular, the opposing media are waging a war of insults against the country's constitutional institutions as well as King Mohammed VI», which «is rejected and denounced by the Moroccan people», he wrote.
For his part, Mustafa Ramid, Minister of State for Human Rights and Relations with Parliament, spoke of the matter on his Facebook account.
«Encroaching on our country's institutions and our national symbols, led by His Majesty, is unacceptable and intolerable», he wrote.
For his part, Salafist preacher Mohamed Fizazi responded to the Algerian channel in a live video on Facebook, saying that «this show was not a coincidence» and that senior Algerian officials knew in advance about the content of this episode. «The Algerian people do not deserve this kind of media. The Algerian people deserve better than this», he said, wondering «why these people have been distressed by having such leaders since their independence».
For his part, professor of constitutional law at the Faculty of Legal and Economic Sciences in Mohammedia Omar Cherkaoui, wrote on his Facebook account that this sequence «means that Algeria has lost it all».
«The worst is that the military media compensate for the diplomatic, political and economic failures for the development of their country with a fictitious victory which makes them the laughing stock of the world. Unfortunately, we are facing a mad state which is ready to do anything without any consideration», he regretted.
Moroccan media professionals and actors strike back
The reactions were also expressed in the cultural milieu, where Moroccan comedian and actor Rabie El Kati chose to respond more vehemently to the Algerian channel with a video sequence, where he takes a poetic extract in front of the statue of a lion. «Lions are lions and dogs are dogs», he concluded. In his Facebook account, activist Khalid El Bekkari, for his part, denounced the «shameless» attitude of «media close to the military».
The National Association of Media and Editors also issued a statement in which it declared that «the immoral attacks of the Algerian official channel Echourouk» are «vulgar and degenerate», resulting from a «condemnable act which has nothing to do with the ethics of the journalistic profession». The directors of publication and media bosses affiliated with the association also expressed their regret to see «these clashes» broadcast on a channel «financed by Algerian taxpayers' money» and affecting the King, who «enjoys respect and esteem in Morocco and abroad».

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