On the Sahara issue, Morocco is achieving diplomatic successes not only in Europe and South America, but also in the Caribbean. A region previously considered a Polisario stronghold, but where Morocco has almost made a clean sweep.
The Minister of (...)
The Polisario Front denounced the Dominican Republic's continued support for Moroccan sovereignty over the Sahara on Sunday, August 18.
Mohamed Zrug, the Polisario's representative in the Caribbean, declared in a statement that «the Sahrawi people's (...)
The Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis reiterated its recognition of Morocco's sovereignty over the Sahara during talks yesterday in Rabat with Moroccan counterpart, Nasser Bourita, according to a statement released by the Caribbean state's head of (...)
Le 21ème anniversaire de l'accession au Trône de Sa Majesté le Roi Mohammed VI s'est déroulé de manière particulière à Sainte Lucie. Organisé par l'ambassadeur du Maroc à Castries, Abderrahim Kadmiri, la réception, qui a eu lieu au sein de la (...)
If in 2019 Morocco achieved a breakthrough in El Salvador, the year 2020 may bring about more «SADR» recognition withdrawals from countries of the Bolivarian Alliance (ALBA) and Latin America.
On November 30, Luis Lacalle Pou took office as new (...)
La 8ème édition démarre ses travaux à Marrakech
A l'heure où les tensions économiques et géopolitiques rythment les relations entre les Etats, il est plus que jamais nécessaire d'instaurer un dialogue serein, un échange apaisé et une coopération (...)
On Monday, the UN Special Committee on decolonization discussed the Western Sahara issue in a session held in New York. During the meeting, attended by several delegations, the Kingdom was backed by its classical allies in Africa and in Middle (...)
L'ambassadeur de SM le Roi à Sainte-Lucie, Abderrahim Kadmiri, a mis en avant, dans un article publié dans l'hebdomadaire « Saint Lucia Star« , le soutien de la grande majorité des pays africains au processus onusien en vue d'une solution « (...)
U.S. President Donald Trump has issued warning to other countries willing to vote for the Moroccan bid. Trump's tweet comes as some FIFA officials said Morocco should be allowed to reach the final vote.
U.S. president Donald Trump tweeted Thursday (...)
Unlike expectations, a member of the Confederation of North, Central American and Caribbean Association Football (CONCACAF), the continental governing body for association football in North America, which includes Central America and the Caribbean (...)
Le journal « Saint Lucia Star » a mis en avant la solidarité agissante du Maroc envers les pays des Caraïbes, à la faveur d'une coopération effective qui englobe plusieurs secteurs importants pour les pays de cette région.
La publication rappelle, à (...)
After the death of Moulay Ismail, known as the warrior king, his numerous sons fought for power for decades. During the eighteenth century, Moulay Abdellah opposed his brothers to be proclaimed Sultan. He ascended throne several times in a very (...)