The series of withdrawals of recognition of the self-proclaimed Polisario «Republic» continues, as the number of countries maintaining diplomatic relations with it has significantly decreased in recent years, knowing that their number exceeded 80 (...)
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres' latest report on Western Sahara highlights ongoing low-intensity tensions between Morocco and the Polisario Front, with no progress in the political process despite efforts by his Personal Envoy. The report (...)
Brahim Ghali, Secretary General of the Polisario Front, chaired a meeting of the permanent office of the General Secretariat on Sunday following his return from a visit to East Timor.
In a statement, the body welcomed the «SADR's participation in (...)
The Polisario leader met with Antonio Guterres in Dili, East Timor, Friday. Brahim Ghali reiterated his movement's demands to the UN Secretary-General, specifically «to extend MINURSO's mandate to include the monitoring of human rights in the Sahara (...)
منعرج خطير ذلك الذي تُقبل عليه العلاقات بين المغرب وجنوب إفريقيا بخصوص قضية الصحراء، وذلك بعدما تحول الدعم الدبلوماسي والمالي الذي تمنحه هذه الدولة الإفريقية لجبهة البوليساريو الانفصالية إلى دعوات صريحة بحمل السلاح ضد المملكة صادرةٍ عن عضو في حكومة (...)
كالعادة ينقسم العراقيون، كما في أي موضوع آخر، حول الفدرالية ما بين مؤيد أو معارض لها، وقد نسوا ان اغلبيتهم قد وافقوا على دستور (2005) الذي نصَّ على الفدرالية وحرية تكوين الأقاليم العراق، وكانت الحجة الرئيسية لدى الرافضين للفدرالية انها يمكن أن تؤدي (...)
Sans surprise, le Conseil de la FIFA vient de valider les deux candidatures suite au rapport de la Task Force publié la semaine dernière, et qui portait sur l'évaluation des candidatures américaine et marocaine.
Donc les deux dossiers de candidature (...)
The United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara is still without a leader. The UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres' proposal of Colin Stewart of Canada to replace Kim Bolduc as head of the MINURSO has been formalized. Meanwhile, (...)
On the Fourth Committee dedicated to Special Political and Decolonization, the Western Sahara conflict continues to divide the member states of the United Nations. On Monday, a number of countries have shown support to Morocco while giving (...)