The Democracy Index 2024 report, published by the British newspaper The Economist today, ranked Morocco 91st globally out of 167 countries, placing it in the category of hybrid regimes.
Morocco ranked 91st globally out of 167 countries in the 2024 (...)
The series of withdrawals of recognition of the self-proclaimed Polisario «Republic» continues, as the number of countries maintaining diplomatic relations with it has significantly decreased in recent years, knowing that their number exceeded 80 (...)
Morocco ranked 129th out of 180 countries in Reporters Without Borders' annual World Press Freedom Ranking 2024, up 15 places from last year's ranking.
Morocco moved up 15 places in the 2024 World Press Freedom Index, released by Reporters Without (...)
A native of Casablanca, Kaoutar El Frayji grew up in Italy, where her passion for languages led her to have an international career from an early age, interacting with global issues related to international and sustainable development. Today, as a (...)
According to the recently published Democracy Index 2023 by The Economist, Morocco ranks 93rd globally out of 167 countries, falling within the «hybrid regimes» category.
Morocco climbed two spots in the recently published Democracy Index 2023 by (...)
Global warming is expected to affect wetter and drier future conditions in countries already experiencing water scarcity and severe droughts. Morocco stands high among them.
Two-thirds of the world's population could face significantly altered (...)
The Christian rights group Open Doors has classified Morocco as one of several countries where Christian minorities face persecution. The organization reports that Moroccan converts endure pressure from family and society due to their religious (...)
This handout photo taken on May 25, 2022 and provided by the South Korean Defence Ministry in Seoul shows a US Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) firing a missile from an undisclosed location on South Korea's east coast during a live-fire (...)
نشرت كوريا الشمالية مقاطع فيديو وصورا للزعيم كيم جونغ أون، قبيل تجربة إطلاق لصاروخها الباليستي العابر للقارات (ICBM).
وأظهر مقطع الفيديو كيم يرتدي سترة جلدية ويرتدي نظارة شمسية ووراءه الشاحنة التي تحمل الصاروخ العابر للقارات، ومن ثم ينظر إلى ساعة (...)
In its 2021 World Press Freedom report, Morocco ranks 136th out of 180 countries, losing three places. According to Reporters Without Borders, Morocco's media «continue to be subjected to judicial harassment».
Morocco's ranking in the 2021 World (...)
According to the latest edition of the Economic Freedom Index, the Moroccan economy remains the freest in North Africa, although the Kingdom has lost six places in the ranking compared to last year.
Although its economy has remained «moderately (...)
Morocco ranks 133rd in the 2020 World Press Freedom Index. Compiled by Reporters Without Borders, the annual report concludes that «Morocco's media continue to be subjected to judicial harassment».
According to the latest World Press Freedom Index (...)
The Trump administration is discussing ways to expand its travel ban list, a controversial measure that has been seen as discriminating against Muslims.
Speaking to senior administration officials, American news-based channel CNN reported that (...)
Morocco is one of the countries that could be impacted by the Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA), a United States federal law that imposed sanctions on Iran, North Korea, and Russia, especially when it comes to (...)
In its annual World Press Freedom Index, Reporters Without Borders criticized Morocco for the prosecutions brought against both journalists and citizen-journalists.
According to the latest World Press Freedom Index compiled by Reporters Without (...)
Le président américain, Donald Trump, a laissé croire, dimanche 3 mars, que les démocrates et Michael Cohen son ex-avocat étaient la cause de l'échec du sommet avec le dirigeant nord-coréen Kim Jong-Un.
Alors que le deuxième sommet entre Donad Trump (...)
وعد الرئيس الأمريكي، دونالد ترامب، كوريا الشمالية بالازدهار الاقتصادي والرفاهية نتيجة للمفاوضات معه. وقال إن هذه البلاد تحت قيادة كيم جونغ أون الموهوب سوف تصبح “صاروخا اقتصاديا”.
وكتب ترامب على حسابه فى تويتر في الساعات الأولى من صباح اليوم السبت: (...)
According to the recent edition of the Economic Freedom Index, Morocco's economy is the freest in North Africa. The country managed to improve its performance by implementing multiple financing options.
Morocco has a moderately free economy, (...)
Morocco is among the countries that have a hybrid regime, according to the Democracy index. The report compiled by the Economist Intelligence Unit ranks Morocco third in the MENA region.
The Kingdom of Morocco has managed to climb one spot to the (...)
السعودية وكوريا الشمالية بث مباشر , مباراة السعودية اليوم , الاخضر السعودي , كأس اسيا , السعودية وكوريا الشمالية مباشر , مشاهدة مباراة السعودية وكوريا الشمالية بث مباشر 08-01-2019 كأس اسيا
رابط مشاهدة المباراة (...)
Après la déclaration du président nord-coréen Kim Jong-un lors de son discours de Nouvel an de vouloir rencontrer une nouvelle fois le président américain, celui-ci a répondu à son tour en exprimant son empressement envers un nouveau point de (...)
Furieuse, la Chine a dénoncé samedi 25 août, des propos irresponsables »tenus par le Président américain Donald Trump, qui a accusé Pékin d'être l'une des raisons de l'annulation du voyage en Corée du Nord de son secrétaire d'Etat Mike Pompeo.
« Les (...)
La Corée du Nord a débuté, vendredi 27 juillet, le long processus de restitution des dépouilles des soldats morts au combat il y a plus de 65 ans. La Maison Blanche se félicite de ce « premier pas ».
C'était l'une des 4 promesses du dirigeant Kim (...)
The Supreme Court of the United States ruled, Tuesday, in favor of President Donald Trump's Muslim ban, an order made public in September, restricting travel from majority Muslim countries, reports CNBC.
Geopolitical issues have influenced the vote that took place Wednesday during the FIFA congress. Some of Morocco's classical allies backed the North American bid changing the game.
The vote has spoken and the North American bid presented by the (...)