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Death of a Sahrawi in Laayoune : Haidar and Salem Tamek join the Polisario's campaign
Publié dans Yabiladi le 24 - 07 - 2019

The Polisario Front has launched, since Friday, a campaign against Morocco, denouncing the death of a Sahrawi woman in Laayoune. Interviewed by an Algerian newspaper, Aminatou Haidar and Salem Tamek have followed in the movement's footsteps.
While the Polisario's officials were busy conducting a campaign on the riots that took place in Laayoune after the Algerian football team won the Africa Cup of Nations, Algerian newspaper El Khabar preferred to join the trend. In less than two days, the daily gave the floor to two pro-Polisario figures in the Sahara.
In its Monday issue, the Algerian newspaper published an interview with Ali Salem Tamek, vice-president of the Collective of Sahrawi Human Rights Defenders (CODESA). On Wednesday, it was Aminatou Haidar's turn, the president of the same NGO, to speak about the riots that took place on July 19th in Laayoune.
Ali Salem Tamek followed in the footsteps of the Polisario's officials, urging «the international community, the African Union, the European Union, international human rights organizations and media to intervene».
He also invited them to «visit the occupied part of Western Sahara to witness the crimes against humanity committed against Sahrawis who protest in a peaceful and civilized way, far from violence».
Aminatou Haidar foresees events similar to the «Gdim Izik riots»
On the other hand, Aminatou Haidar believes that the «procrastination of the United Nations and the complicity of some world powers» would «unfortunately lead to a tragic result». In an alarmist way, the President of CODESA predicted another «Gdim Izik» in the province, similar to the event that broke out in November 2010.
Speaking to the same newspaper, the Saharawi woman claimed that «dozens of people», were «injured and arrested» in Laayoune last week.
For the record, the death of Sahrawi student Sabah Njourni, 24, in a car accident that occurred Friday night in Laayoune, has been used as a political card by the Polisario Front. The latter sent a letter to the European Union and the United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to denounce the tragic event. The Front made sure to refer to the accident as a «murder», claiming that the young woman was participating to the celebrations that followed Algeria's Afcon game in Laayoune.
The Polisario Front uses the death of a Sahrawi woman to serve its agenda abroad
According to EFE, Sabah Njourni died Friday evening at the Laayoune Regional Hospital where she was transferred after a car accident caused by an anti-riot police vehicle. She was crossing the Smara Avenue after leaving a private language school where she was teaching English to children when she was hit.
The latter explains that «Sabah Njourni was not involved in the demonstrations» that Laayoune and other Saharan cities have witnessed. Moreover, a video shared on social media, refutes the version of the story publicized by the Polisario.
The victim's sister Jamaa Njourni have confirmed her death on her Facebook page, referring to the circumstances of the death, without using the vocabulary used by the Polisario and its platforms that wanted to take advantage of the tragic event.
On Saturday night, the Attorney General's office in Laayoune court ordered the opening of a judicial inquiry to clarify the circumstances of this tragedy.

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