British Muslims are negatively portrayed in media, according to an analysis conducted by the Muslim Council of Britain, the Guardian reports. The analysis shows that British news outlets tend to give a negative image of Islam and Muslims, which, according the Muslim body, «contributes to Islamophobia». The study found out that the United Kingdom's second-biggest-selling daily newspaper Daily Mail has «the most negative coverage of Islam». «78% of its stories featuring Muslims having negative themes – above an already-high industry average of 59%», the Guardian wrote. The study, which analyzed 11,0000 British articles and news broadcasts, revealed that The New Statesman, Observer and Guardian have the least negative coverage of Islam and Muslims. The results of this study come as most of the UK's Conservative Party members said that they see Islam as a threat to the British lifestyle. According to a survey conducted by YouGov, a British international Internet-based market research and data analytics firm, 56 per cent of the party's members said that Islam is «generally a threat to the British way of life», the Independent reports. 60% of respondents from the Conservative Party said that they firmly believe «Islam is generally a threat to Western civilization».