The Pamela Anderson and Adil Rami breakup drama is still going on. After her Moroccan-French boyfriend Adil Rami gave his version of the story on their split, the American-Canadian actress and model shared, Wednesday, on her foundation website private messages, detailing the reasons behind the separation. Anderson posted emails allegedly sent to her by Rami's ex Sidonie, claiming that she suffered «physical abuse» in the hands of the footballer. In a message sent to Sidonie, who is also the mother of Rami's twins, Anderson wrote that Rami «crushed both of [her] hands» and «threw her around by [her] hair» during a fight, Fox News reports. «They need to put me to sleep to do injections…my hands were getting better…but he hurt me again at mandarine [sic] hôtel. When he got so angry with me for asking why I was to wait in room and pack our clothes while you were at the Macron event in hotel with the players families», she told Rami's ex. After Anderson reached out to Sidonie, the latter told to her that she is still seeing her boyfriend and that he «told her his romance with Anderson was simply for publicity». Shortly after Pamela announced their split on Instagram, calling him a «monster» who led a «double life», Rami said that he still loves and respects the actress. Replying to the model's accusations, Rami stressed that he has never «led a double life» and that he «was simply attached to his children and their mother Sidonie that [he] respects a lot». For the record, Pamela Anderson and Adil Rami started dating in 2017 and she has been living in France ever since.