In a press release made public, Sunday, the US State Department Deputy Spokesperson Robert Palladino commended Morocco for «repatriating eight Moroccan foreign terrorist fighters from Syria». The official hailed the decision revealed by the Kingdom on the same day, adding that «Morocco is a highly capable partner in the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS, and we appreciate its commitment to countering terrorism». The latter stressed that Morocco's actions must push other nations to repatriate their citizens who joined the area to fight for ISIS. «Repatriating foreign terrorist fighters to their countries of origin is the best solution to prevent them from returning to the battlefield». US State Department Deputy Spokesperson Robert Palladino For the record, Morocco's Interior Ministry announced, Sunday, that authorities repatriated eight nationals who were in conflict zones in Syria. This repatriation operation, which has a humanitarian aspect, helped the Moroccan nationals to return to their country of origin safe and sound, the ministry said in a statement. These people will undergo judicial investigations for their alleged involvement in terrorism-related acts, under the supervision of the competent public prosecutor's office, said the same source.