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Kidnapped, raped and horribly tattooed, a Tunisian tattoo artist offers help to Khadija
Publié dans Yabiladi le 27 - 08 - 2018

After she said that she was kidnapped, tortured, raped and tattooed by a group of teenagers, a Tunisian tattoo offered to help Khadija. Meanwhile, families of the suspects denounced the teenager's claims bringing their own version of the story.
A Tunisian tattoo artist promised in a Facebook post published Saturday, 25th of August, to help Moroccan teenager Khadija who has been horribly tattooed by her alleged kidnappers, reports We Post Mag.
The teenager, who lives in Ouled Ayed (Fquih Bensaleh) has told media that she was kidnapped, raped, tortured and tattooed all over her body by a group of teenagers for two months. Her story has made headlines for the last week, pushing several internet users to create their own #Me_Too movement.
«As a professional tattoo artist, I want to remove all tattoos she has on her body and I would like you to help me reach her or her family», wrote Fawez Zahmoul on his Facebook account. The latter is Tunisian-Moroccan nation who founded Tunisia's first tattoo school.
On Saturday, the Tunisian tattoo artist published a second post, indicating that he has managed to contact Khadija's family. «She is in pain and is completely traumatized», he wrote, adding that he will «try to find a solution to make her come (to Tunisia) because her family is very poor and she lives in a remote area in Morocco».
«She will have to appear before the judge on Thursday to try to find a solution», he added.
In addition to Zahmoul's initiative, Rim Belhaj, a member of a Tunisian association called Moon and Stars told Yabiladi on Monday that the NGO will be raising money to help Khadija come to Tunisia and meet the tattoo artist.
Through the screening of a documentary entitled «Weldek Rajel» (your sun is a man) and produced by Heifel Ben Youssef, the NGO will be generating money to pay for the Moroccan-teenager's travel expenses. Belhaj added that even if other associations manage to help Khadija, the Tunisian NGO will send the money gathered to the family.
A different account
17-year-old Khadija has been at the heart of a social media campaign after her story was revealed by media. According to French-language newspaper Le360, nine people have been arrested so far by the authorities while five others are still on the run.
Devastated, hurt and humiliated, the young girl appeared in a series of videos, showing her marks and weird tattoos to the camera. She claimed that three months ago, and after visiting her aunt, she was abducted by a group of teenagers that she knew some of them.
«They kidnapped me for nearly two months, raped and tortured me, (...) I will never forgive them, they destroyed me», Khadija said in one of the videos.
A few days later, families of Khadija's alleged kidnappers brought their own version of the story. Speaking to Arabic-language online newspaper Soltana, they have denounced the claims of the young girl, stating that she was not kidnapped, reports Le Desk.
«She is the one who wanted to be tattooed and her parents know it perfectly», said one of the parents, adding that she used to hang out with the same group of teenagers.
«If this girl had disappeared after being abducted for two months, why did not her father tell the authorities?», wondered the same source, accusing her parents of forcing her to prostitute.
Other parents said that she left her parents' house on her own will and that everybody knows that she «smokes, drinks and uses drugs», concluded the same source.

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