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2018 FIFA World Cup Russia : Morocco vs. Spain game ends in a draw (2-2)
Publié dans Yabiladi le 25 - 06 - 2018

The Morocco vs. Spain game ended in a draw. Spanish player Aspas managed to score La Roja's second goal in the added time, evening the score.
Morocco vs. Spain
Morocco vs. Spain's game, unexpectedly, ended in a draw after La Roja's footballer Aspas evened the score during the added time. According to FIFA statistics, Morocco made 6 shots, including 3 on target. On the other hand, the Atlas Lions were shot one corner and were offside once.
Morocco's team made, however, 17 fouls and received 6 yellow cards.
Meanwhile, Spain benefited from 7 corners, and were also offside once. La Roja made 18 shots with 5 shots on target during today's game. They made 5 fouls.
Added time
A second goal by Spain after the referee consulted the VAR.
Moroccan goal keeper Munir El Kejoui receives a yellow card.
The Atlas Lions appear more confident after scoring their second goal against La Roja.
Substitution: Hakim Ziyech out and Aziz Bouhaddouz in.
Substitution : Silva out and Rodrigo in.
En-Nesyri scores Morocco's second goal.
Ziyech misses another opportunity, and the Atlas Lions are granted a corner.
The Spanish team is still pressuring the Atlas Lions who are trying hard to score a second goal.
Spain' second substitution : Thiango out and Asensio in
Spain's first substitution : Diego Costa out and Aspas in.
Morocco' second substitution : Khalid Boutaib out and Nssairi in.
Morocco's first substitution : Younes Belhanda out and Faycel Fajr in.
Ghanem Saiss blocks one of Spain's most important attacks since the start of the second half.
Dirar missed an opportunity as the Moroccan team is fighting back to score its second goal against the Spanish team.
A very important opportunity by Nordin Amrabat was blocked by the Spanish team.
The Spanish team putts pressure on the Atlas Lions through a series of attacks.
Mbark Boussoufa's attempt to shoot was blocked by the Spanish goal keeper.
The second half kicks off.
End of the first half
The first half of Morocco vs. Spain game ends with a draw (1-1).
Hakim Ziyech shoots off target in an attempt to score Morocco's second goal.
Spain can't score despite its multiple attacks.
The Atlas Lions remain steadfast against the Spanish incursion.
A yellow card for Marouane da Costa.
A yellow card for Moroccan winger Nordin Amrabat.
la Roja is putting more pressure on the Moroccan team through a series of attacks.
Boutaib misses a very important opportunity to score against the Spanish team.
Moroccan goal keeper Munir El Kejoui blocks Piqué's shot on target.
A yellow card for Karim El Ahmadi.
Isco scores Spain's first goal against the Atlas Lions. La Roja manages to equalise only five minutes after Morocco's goal.
Boutaib scored Morocco's first World Cup goal since 1998. The Atlas Lions look more determined to win the game against La Roja, one of the most powerful teams in Europe.
Khalid Boutaib scores Morocco's first goal in the Russia 2018 World Cup.
10 minutes after the start of the match, the Spanish team controls the game.
Another attempt by La Roja has been successfully blocked by the Atlas Lions.
Spain has made its first attempt to score but the ball has been blocked by Moroccan goal keeper Munir El Kejoui.
The Morocco vs. Spain kicks off in Kaliningrad. The game is Morocco's last appearance in Russia before heading home.
The Moroccan and Spanish national anthems are being played currently at Kaliningrad stadium minutes before the start of the game.
18: 54
On the other hand, Spanish coach Fernando Hierro relies during this game on La Roja's most known stars such as Sergio Ramos, Gerard Piqué, and Andres Iniesta.
18: 49
Morocco is facing the Spanish team today in Kaliningrad for its third World Cup game. The Moroccan squad for this game includes : Khalid Boutaib, Younes Belhanda, Nordin Amrabat, Hakim Ziyech, Mbarek Boussoufa, Karim El Ahmadi, Ashraf Hakimi, Romain Saiss, Manuel da Costa, Nabil Dirar, Munir El kajoui.

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