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According to Gianni Infantino, FIFA is able to afford a World Cup hosted by Morocco
Publié dans Yabiladi le 05 - 06 - 2018

FIFA President Gianni Infantino says the football governing body can afford having Morocco host the 2026 World Cup. His statement comes as task force validated the Moroccan bid.
FIFA can afford having Morocco host the 2026 World Cup, although it promises half the revenue North America can generate, says Associated Press quoting football governing body's president Gianni Infantino.
«FIFA can afford whatever the congress decides… We have to live with that and to make the best of any decision which is taken», Infantino said Monday, 4th for June, nine days before the FIFA vote.
Morocco's bid was validated, Friday, by FIFA's task force, making it to the voting phase for the 2026 World Cup. In its evaluation FIFA granted Morocco scores that were ranging from high to medium and low. The North American candidacy, however, was able to achieve a more valuable performance, scoring the maximum mark for «its tickets and corporate hospitality sales plan», explained AP.
The forecasts presented by the US, Canada and Mexico are «significantly higher» than the ones put forward by the North African bid which promised to provide revenues amounting to US 7 billion.
«Money is one element (but) not the only element», said Infantino reassuring Morocco, after he was accused of favoring the North American joint bid.
«What our task has been is to make sure the process is as objective, as clear as possible, and to highlight the pros and the cons of everything», he added.
Influencing bidders
FIFA president also pointed to other factors expected to influence voters on the 13 of June in Russia, when choosing between the two bids.
«I hope when they vote they think what is best for football, definitely not on other subjective criteria that they might have for themselves», stressed Infantino, implicitly referring to President Donald Trump's infamous tweets in which he threatened countries into voting for the North American bid.
He argued saying that : «it would be a shame if countries that we always support were to lobby against the U.S. bid. Why should we be supporting these countries when they don't support us (including at the United Nations) ?».
Although Infantino's words sound reassuring for Morocco, the report FIFA task force issued on Friday has been accused of favoring North America's 2026 World Cup bid in a way that could influence voters.
According to the Guardian, FIFA inspectors «have warned voters that the North African nation's bid is high risk due to a lack of infrastructure».
For the record, Morocco scored 2.7 out of 5, compared to the North American bid which managed to get a 4 out of 5 mark.
Evaluating the scores, FIFA wrote in its report that «the Morocco 2026 bid is well presented and strong in terms of government commitment, but would need to newly build most of its tournament-related and wider infrastructure».
Meanwhile, it praised the North American candidacy, insisting that it «has promising levels of infrastructure already in place and fully-operational».

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