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Kidnapped by Raisuni, The Times journalist Walter Harris recalls his forced stay in Zinat
Publié dans Yabiladi le 23 - 05 - 2018

Sent to Morocco with a diplomatic delegation, Walter Harris was one of the several expatriates Jbala leader Ahmed Raisuni kidnapped to challenge the government. In his book 'Morocco that Was', The Times special correspondent narrates his fascinating account when captured by Raisuni's bandits.
In Northern Morocco, Jbala leader Mulai Ahmed Raisuni was of great strength. The mountain chieftain had a huge bandit that opposed the Makhzen and did everything to defend its territory, Zinat. In two previous articles, Yabiladi recalled how Raisuni kidnapped Ion Perdicaris, a Greek American expatriate, and Kaid Maclean, a Scottish general and instructor of the Moroccan army.
Raisuni's first victim however was Walter Burton Harris, an Englishman, journalist and writer who accompanied a diplomatic mission to Morocco in 1887. The Times' special correspondent was held by the Raisuni's men in 1903, an experience that he thoroughly narrates in his book «Morocco That Was» (1921).
Walter Burton Harris by John Lavery.
And just like Ion Perdicaris had openly declared that he did not «regret having been Raisuni's prisoner for some time», Harris also befriended his kidnapper and was generous enough to draw attention to the human side of the brigand.
Meeting Raisuni
The Londoner's story with Mulai Raisuni started way before his abduction. «I was camping on a shooting expedition near Arzeila, he and his men paid a visit and spent and spent the night at my camp», wrote Harris describing his first meeting with Raisuni. At the time, the latter was still tormented by his arrest and imprisonment by Abd-el-Rahman Abd el-Saduk, the Pasha of Tangier, and his cousin and foster brother, a significant incident that made of him a tougher man.
For Harris Raisuni had a fascinating personality, he was «tall, remarkably handsome, with the whitest of skins, a short dark beard and moustache and black eyes with profile Greek rather Semitic».
During their first meeting, Raisuni was hurt, sad and barely smiled. Harris was all ears as the Zinat-native was recalling his painful experience in prison.
Burning Zinat
The two men did not know they would meet again in different circumstances. «On the 16th of June 1903, the Shereefian troops attacked and burnt Zinat», in an attempt to arrest Raisuni, wrote The Times journalist. On the same day, Harris had to visit the village with his groom, whose parents lived there. Anxious about the safety of his stableman's family, the British man had to tour the burnt village where he was trapped by Raisuni's men.
«Flight was impossible, and as I was unarmed, resistance was out of the question», explained the journalist, adding : «From every side sprung out tribesmen and in a second or two I was a prisoner surrounded by thirty or forty men, one and all armed with European rifles».
Walter B. Harris
Nine days in Zinat
Unexpectedly Walter B. Harris received no rough treatment in the hands of the bandits but was kept in Zinat for nine days. Although he was received pleasantly by Raisuni who protected him against the angry tribesmen, Harris endured a considerable amount of hardship when kidnapped by the bandits.
«The room in which I found myself was very dark, light being admitted only by one small window near the roof, and it was some time before my eyes became accustomed to the gloom», he recalled.
Harris stayed nine days in his dark and gloomy room, where he was visited once by Raisuni. Reassuring his prisoner, the bandit told Harris that «his sole desire was to cause the Moorish Government as much trouble and humiliation as possible and he argued that there would be no easier way to do this than by causing death».
Raisuni promised to protect Harris but negotiations were underway to ensure his release. On the 4th of July and after Harris tried his best to put an end to his situation, a large tribal meeting was held to discuss the Englishman's release. The meeting was attended by «the Shereef of Wazzan», who managed to same Harris' life.
«His opportune presence settled my fate and the negotiations were brought to a conclusion… the following day a large contingent of tribesmen, the Shereef and I set out for Tangier», wrote Walter Harris.

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