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Homosexuality ban might weaken Morocco's bid to host the 2026 World Cup
Publié dans Yabiladi le 17 - 04 - 2018

Morocco did not refer to homosexuality being a criminal offense in the country in its 2026 World cup bid book.
Morocco's bid to host the 2026 World Cup continues to make headlines worldwide. Would the Kingdom be able to organize such international tournament regardless of the human rights situation in the country ? According to a recent Associated Press exclusive report this might be a problem to hinder Morocco's ambitions.
Reviewing the 483-page documents submitted to FIFA, the US-based news agency reports that Morocco has «failed to declare its anti-LGBT law as a risk factor».
Homosexuality in Morocco is a criminal offense which can affect, according to FIFA requirements, the organization of the tournament. Article 489 from the penal code criminalizes «lewd or unnatural acts with an individual of the same sex» while homosexual activity can be punished with anything from 6 months to 3 years' imprisonment and a fine of 120 to 1,200 dirhams.
Masking homosexuality ban in Morocco
Morocco is hence approached for not referring to the above-mentioned situation. According to the same source, the North African kingdom has «narrowly» mentioned the issue insisting that the Royal Moroccan Football Federation will «work to combat all forms of discrimination» including «sexual orientation» as signed by the body's president Fouzi Lekjaa.
Compared to the North American bid which significantly highlighted sexual orientation-related factors in its bidding documents, Morocco failed to point at the way its law and regulations regard homosexual orientations in its bid book.
Only in a 42-page «study on the human rights situation», Morocco admitted that homosexuality is a criminal offense, said AP. In that same study, the Kingdom refers to the United Nations Rights Council's Universal Periodic Review during which it took note of several recommendations related to the decriminalization of homosexual relations.
Discriminating against the LGBT community
Indeed, last September, a Moroccan delegation headed by Minister of State for Human Rights Mustapha Ramid attended the 36th session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland, presenting recommendations the ministry accepted, partially accepted and refused.
In a report the ministry presented at the time, the Kingdom partially refused ensuring equality among all citizens regardless of their sexual orientations and identities, referring to the LGBT community. Mustapha Ramid, back then, argued insisting that such step would create «social tension and political confusion».
In September 26th, and during a press briefing held on the 26th of September at the National Library of the Kingdom of Morocco in Rabat to review the «national mechanisms for the protection against torture in North Africa», the minister called homosexuals «Awsakh» (scum or dirt in English).
In November, at the House of Representatives, Mustapha Ramid denied having insulted homosexuals and assured that Morocco only condemns «the act of homosexuality» without discriminating against the LGBT community. Moreover he argued that implementing Article 489 shouldn't be considered as an act of discrimination.

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