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A Moroccan-Dutch teenager killed in a shooting by a stray bullet
Publié dans Yabiladi le 29 - 01 - 2018

A 17-year-old Moroccan-Dutch national was killed on Friday in Amsterdam by a stray bullet during a shooting. The criminal incident is one of many liquidation attempts that took place in the same neighborhood, targeting the safety of immigrants in the city.
A 17-year-old national was killed on Friday, 26th of January, in Amsterdam in a shooting. The young man identified as, Mohamed.B, was shot dead in a youth center while two others were injured, reports NOS, a Dutch online newspaper.
The assailant was described as a hooded man, who fled the scene on foot right after opening fire on a bunch of young people. According to the same source, the Moroccan-Dutch teenager was not the main target, he was one of the many youngsters who come to the center to train, attend cooking classes and kickboxing lessons.
Quoted by the DailyMail, Leo Dortland, the Amsterdam police spokesman stated that the shooting was «clearly not a terror attack, but a criminal incident».
On the other hand the city Mayor, Jozias Johannes van Aartsen told the NOS that he understands the unrest and fear caused by the «ruthless shooting», especially that it targeted the center that was full of children. He also added that he would soon consult the police about the necessary measures to improve the situation in the neighborhood.
Feeling unsafe
Speaking of the neighborhood, another article issued on Sunday by the same source, Moroccan-Dutch parents are concerned about the safety of their children after the shooting, indicated Habib el Kaddouri, a Moroccan-Dutch activist. He denounced the criminal incident insisting that Moroccan-Dutch youngsters are targeted by criminals who want to recruit them for criminal attempts.
Speaking to the same source, Bouchra Dibi, a member of the Labour Party in the Netherlands said that «many mothers (Moroccan mothers) are very afraid that their sons will be affected», stating :
«I am afraid it will not be the last time, many young people are struggling, those young boys are easily influenced, but when will this end, they will kill each others for a few thousands of Euros, and this must stop».
In an open letter published on Facebook, the uncle of the Moroccan national killed in the shooting called the Amsterdam city council to secure the safety of the inhabitants. He denounced the death of his nephew indicating that the targeted is not Mohamed Bouchikhi but another 19-year-old man who was injured in a shooting a few streets away in November.
«I have lost my sweet little innocent nephew who unfortunately was shot by a stray bullet of madmen», he said quoted by NOS.
Meanwhile here in Morocco, Abdelkrim Benatiq, minister delegate to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, in charge of Moroccans living abroad and Migration Affairs, assured in a communiqué that the Moroccan mission in the Netherlands is «closely following» the criminal incident stating that the ministry will take care of the repatriation of the deceased and its burial in the Kingdom.
According to the same communiqué, the Consulate General of Morocco in Amsterdam, indicated that the deceased was known for his volunteering work for the benefit of young people, including refugees, within the Muslim Peace Foundation in the Netherlands, and has no relation with drug trafficking, as reported by some media platforms, said MAP news agency.

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