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ECOWAS : Morocco's membership impact study is advantageous
Publié dans Yabiladi le 19 - 12 - 2017

Jeune Afrique has released Morocco's membership impact study on the ECOWAS organization. The document mainly reminded head of states that the kingdom is already present in the region through its investments, banks, exports and imports. If accepted as a member of the regional organization, Morocco will bring its experience in maintaining peace and security fighting against terrorist groups. However, the step is still raising cencerns in the region.
At the Abuja summit, the study that investigates the impact of Morocco's membership on the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) was submitted to state members. «Generally speaking, it is a positive step for Morocco, but it still bears some obstacles and constraints, which are mainly related to the gap between the Moroccan economy and that of some countries in the region», reveals the weekly magazine Jeune Afrique.
On the admission event, it was made clear that «issues related to freedom of movement, right of residence and establishment, the common currency, the ECOWAS Common External Tariff, as well as the technical aspects of the future relations between ECOWAS and Morocco need a transition period in order to be successfully implemented», said the study.
The Western Sahara conflict, another obstacle
Faced with these procedures, the kingdom «is taking into account the economic concerns of the countries in the region by allowing them to protect their fragile sectors», said a diplomatic source to the French-Language magazine that is for the idea of adopting a method similar to the one maintained between Morocco and the European Union.
Nevertheless, the political scene is also taken into consideration when it comes to Morocco's potential membership. «As a regional bloc, ECOWAS must anticipate how to manage and resolve the Western Sahara disputed territory conflict, as this can create tension among the current Member States», explains the study.
In fact, the organization's powerful members recognize and maintain, for years, diplomatic relations with the «SADR», such as Nigeria and Ghana, where the separatist movement enjoys the support of local parties and unions. Their leaders are ready to defend the Polisario's theses to get the support of their followers.
Morocco can bring stability to the area
When talking about Morocco's contribution, the study emphasizes on the fact that the Kingdom's «military capabilities, equipment and economic prowess [which] is able to restore peace, security and stability in the ECOWAS region, particularly in the field of peacekeeping operations, the fight against terrorism, maritime security and conflict mediation».
ECOWAS states are regularly targeted by terrorist attacks, namely Mali and Nigeria, others are threatened by the expansion of terrorist groups, especially now that the G5 is to operate in the region. What happened with Boko-Haram has also shown that ECOWAS alone cannot secure peace in the area.
Economic relations
The impact study recalls that «Morocco already has commercial relations with West Africa. Further reforms, such as the adoption of the ECOWAS Common External Tariff, will promote the development of regional value chains and consolidate regional integration».
The study added that «in 2016, 37.3% of Moroccan exports to Africa were directed to ECOWAS». The Kingdom «imports from ECOWAS mainly fuel (55.6%), manufactured products (27.2%) and food products (15.4%)».
«These imports come mainly from Nigeria, Togo, Côte d'Ivoire, Guinea and Senegal. Morocco exports to ECOWAS, mainly to Côte d'Ivoire, Senegal and Nigeria, manufactured goods, fertilizers, building materials, paper, machinery, pharmaceuticals, metal packaging and footwear.»
With its economic strength, Morocco could promote «macroeconomic stability in the region» and ensure the creation of a unified currency, says the study. An ambitious objective set along ago by the ECOWAS' founders and which has not seen light yet.

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