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Ali Benhadj, an Algerian Islamist and politician comments on the Moroccan-Algerian diplomatic crisis
Publié dans Yabiladi le 24 - 10 - 2017

The recent statement of Algeria's Foreign Minister, Abdelkader Messahel, has indeed created a diplomatic crisis between the two neighboring countries. As a result, Morocco summoned up its ambassador in Algiers while the latter responded by recalling its chargé d'affaires in Rabat. To comment on the situation that made headlines since Friday, Yabiladi contacted Ali Benhadj an Islamist activist and co-founder of the FIS, an Algerian Islamic Party. Interview.
The diplomatic crisis between Morocco and Algeria has been making headlines since Friday the 20th of October. The two neighboring countries have consequently replied to the accusations of the Algerian Foreign Minister, Abdelkader Messahel, through vital decisions and a number of communiqués.
However, what is happening today is a chapter belonging to a series of diplomatic crises. So, how does the Algerian opposition view the situation ? And how Morocco and Algeria can be in good terms again according to it ?
To answer these questions, Yabiladi interviewed Ali Belhadj, a co-founder of the Islamic Salvation Front (FIS), a Sunni Islamist political party in Algeria. Recognized in 1989 as a legitimate political party, FIS won the first free elections in Algeria since its independence and was banned afterwards by the Algerian authorities in 1991.
How do you view the recent diplomatic crisis between Morocco and Algeria ?
In fact, the crisis has nothing to do with the people, I mean Algerians and Moroccans. The political system has contributed to tearing the two nations apart.
People do not pay attention to the political conflicts initiated by regimes. On the contrary, they are ready and happy to unite and be brought together. I believe that rulers try to market their internal problems abroad through these mutual accusations and here I am talking about Morocco and Algeria.
How do you think Morocco and Algeria can overcome this crisis ?
In order to maintain good and normal diplomatic relations, the two regimes have to choose between two things. Either, look after the interests of their people and the things that bring them together, or leave and let other regimes do it.
What can you say about the Algerian Foreign Minister Abdelkader Messahel's recent statement ?
Abdelkader Messahel has reacted in a way similar to other regimes that exclude the people, and that was confirmed through his recent declaration. The regimes in the Arab world are unfair and the people are preoccupied with what is more important to them. They are trying to deal with the internal crises generated by their regimes which turn them away from the conflict. The good thing is that they know well their rulers and they are aware of the fact that this is just a way of canalizing internal problems.
It seems that media played a role in adding fuel to the fire...
Yes Indeed, I believe that journalists should be rational. Instead of aggrandizing the problem, they should contribute to raising awareness among people and rulers regarding the current situation.
There are flaws in the Algerian, Tunisian, Egyptian and Moroccan systems. A general reform is needed, and media should contribute to that.
In Morocco, for example, the people are not interested in what Messahel said ... and reliable and objective media outlets are supposed to take advantage of the situation to help the reader understand the historical context of the diplomatic relations linking the two countries.
Who is Ali Benhadj
Ali Benhadj is an Algerian politician and Islamist figure who is mostly known for co-founding the Islamic Salvation Front. In 1989, and after the Algerian Constitution was changed to allow multiparty democracy, Benhadj helped lead the political party which won in 1991 the first free elections in Algeria.
The Algerian politician was also a preacher and a co-leader of the Islamist movement in Algeria alongside FIS president Abassi Madani.
During the 1990 local government elections, FIS received more than half of valid votes cast by Algerians. However, in January 1992, a military coup dismantled the party and officially banned it.
Benhadj was arrested and remained in jail for 12 years. He was later released in 2003 under the condition of abstaining from all political activity.

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