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Morocco's internal reputation is 10 points higher than its external one [Report]
Publié dans Yabiladi le 08 - 09 - 2017

Morocco is a reputable country internally according to the 2017 reputation report conducted by the Royal Institute for Strategic Studies and the Reputation Institute. The survey investigates how Moroccans evaluate living in the Kingdom as well as how foreigners see the country. Details.
According to the latest report issued in collaboration with the Reputation Institute, a research and advisory firm alongside the Royal Institute for Strategic Studies (IRES), a think tank that conducts studies and strategic analyzes in Morocco, the North African Kingdom is a reputable country internally speaking. The report issued on the 30th of August indicates based on a number of indicators on the reputation of 55 countries. This year and with the help, of IRES, Moroccans are able to determine how Morocco is seen internationally and nationally in terms of three main factors : the quality of life, institutional quality and the level of development.
Based on the summary provided by IRES, «Morocco was granted a score of 59.3 points on a scale of 0 to 100, with respect to the general indicator of country reputation 'Country RepTrak® Pulse'», which allowed the country to rank 35 from among a total of 71 countries studied». The survey suggest that externally the Kingdom has got an average reputation compared the 70 countries evaluated by the think tank.
Morocco's external reputation
«Its reputation is at the same level as that of Indonesia. It is better than that of the BRICs, except Brazil, and largely exceeds the reputation of Turkey and all Arab and African countries».
Moreover, Morocco's reputation in both Russia and the United State is «higher than the world average» in regard to the 71 countries studied of course. On the other hand, the country's reputation is considered average in all of Canada and the United Kingdom while it is regarded as low in Germany.
For foreigners, Morocco is a country that is most reputable for «the quality of life» factor. It is confirmed by the report which states that it is «perceived as a country to visit, to attend events or even to good and services in it. However, such a feeling is not expressed with the same intensity when it comes to studying in the Kingdom».
Morocco's internal reputation
Internally, however, Morocco tends to have better results. «Morocco is no exception to the general rule since the index of its internal reputation is 10 points higher than that of its external reputation», explains the same source. Unlike foreigners, Moroccans as above mentioned tend to believe that they live in a secure country and that their people is friendly and welcoming, that the natural environment is good and that the Kingdom is respected at international level and has a good cultural heritage.
Still Morocco is struggling with attributes related to the educational system, the use of resources, technology and innovation, the political and institutional environment, ethics, transparency and social being. For the authors of the report these problems are harmful to Morocco's internal and external reputation.
Morocco's reputation is higher than the one of Turkey, South African and Mexico and similar to the one of Chile in all of India, China and Mexico as well.
All in all, Morocco's reputation has seen some improvement in 2017, compared to 2016 in France, Nigeria China and Germany. But it has known a decline in Turkey, Chile, India and Belgium.

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