Mohammed VI has decided not to follow the rule. His speech on the occasion of the commemoration of the Celebration of the Throne this year has not focused on an enumeration of the accomplishments during the past year. The shadow of the «Hirak» dominated the royal intervention. Even if King Mohammed VI pronounced «Al Hoceima» once, the protest movement originating from the Rif left its footprint on the speech of the Celebration of the Throne. An intervention that was caracterized by the same tone as the previous ones : proactive and uncompromising. Indeed, the monarch set up what appeared like an indictment against the political parties which failed in their mission to «accompany» the citizens due to the time they spend on «political calculations». The sovereign believes that such elite does not follow «the political evolution of Morocco and its progress in terms of development» and did not see «a positive impact on the attitude displayed by the parties, the political leaders and the administrative ones, with regard to the aspirations and real concerns of Moroccans», he said. Moreover, the sovereign noted that when «the record is positive, the political parties and politicians and leaders quickly take credit to reap the political and media benefits of the achievements made. But when the record is disappointing, these get behind the Royal Palace and blame it instead of taking responsibility». A common practice among politicians. The King welcomes the intervention of the law enforcement elements For Mohammed VI, the reluctance of political parties and their representatives to fulfill their role, sometimes intentionally and deliberately, and at other times, due to a lack of credibility and patriotism, has made the situation even more precarious». An allusion to the rise of contestation movements in several regions of the Kingdom. «Faced with this regrettable and dangerous void, the law enforcement services, who have come face to face with the population, have assumed their responsibility with courage, patience, restraint and demonstrated great respect for the law. They have thus preserved security and stability», Mohammed VI declared. He went on to mention Al Hoceima's Hirak, but as a way of responding to «the allegations made by some about the use of what they wrongly refer to as the security approach. Their vision gives the impression that Morocco is sitting on a volcano, and that every household, every citizen is matched with a policeman who watches them». While using a firm tone, the sovereign affirmed that «to guarantee the security of citizens and preserve their property, there is only one line to apply : the law ; a firm commitment to respect : the institutions». Mohammed VI insisted in his speech on «accountability». This should, in principle, be followed by sanctions against certain political and administrative officials who have failed in their missions. On the whole, the Royal intervention will probably not be interpreted as a praise by the political parties' leadership, which constantly demands a rehabilitation of the political action. A velleity claimed overtly, especially since the rise of the «Hirak».