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Movies' land : The AFCI promotes Ouarzazate's local stars
Publié dans Yabiladi le 25 - 05 - 2017

In the middle of the Draa-Tafilalet region, Ouarzazate has been home to several international box office movies. With the help of local extras, the city nicknamed the «door of the desert» has been able to create a hub and a market for the cinematographic industry in the world.
The mountains, Kasbahs and the warm breeze have made of Ouarzazate, also known as the Moroccan Hollywood, the perfect location for famous directors and moviemakers. The landscape and the unique climate were perfectly used to film giant movies like «Larence of Arabia», «The Mummy» and «Gladiator». As charming as it is, every movie setting was an opportunity for the local residents to unleash their talents. Every year thousands of extras make it to the big screen starring in films produced in the southern city. They are there for small roles of crowds or passerbys.
In an article published in South China Morning Post, a number of Moroccan extras spoke about the job that fascinated them the most. Abdelaziz Bouyadnaine, who is also known for having acted as Oussama Bin Laden on the screen participated to 100 films, TV series and documentaries. His beard, facial features and way of dressing mirror the look of the former leader of the infamous Al-Qaeda. «I love this job. It has given me the opportunity to meet top foreign actors», Abdelaziz told the same source stating that to him «cinema has a unique atmosphere and this is what I like the most.» Abdelaziz spent more than three decades doing this job, standing next to distinguished actors such as Omar Sherif, Orlando Bloom and Jean-Claude Van Damme.
Abdelaziz Bouyadnaine, nicknamed Ben Laden./Ph. Matilde Gattoni
Saadiya Guardienne is also one of the locals that was captivated by this job. «I can do any kind of role», she told the same source speaking of her career as a female extra. The same thing applies to Fatima Zahra al Hassani, the 11-year-old girl who has just debuted in the field of cinema. «I was one and a half years old when I did my first one,» she explained speaking about her role in Rock the Kasbah in which she played a poor Afghan girl who steals flour to feed her mother. «I liked that movie a lot, but I preferred being Cleopatra [in a documentary], when I was dressed like a little princess,» Fatima Zahra recalls.
A database for extras
Extras like Abdelaziz, Saadiya and Fatima Zahra are among thousands of other Ouarzazate residents who have been working in the field for decades. They are used to lights, auditions and the busy settings with huge studios. Abderrzzak Zitouny managing director of the Association of Film Commission International headquarted in Ouarzazate told Yabiladi that they «have created a database for extras, which contains now 3,000 people». The organization created by Noureddine Essayel, is assigned with the task of promoting the beauty of the region by posting photos of the landscape, the buildings and the valleys. Since 2009, AFCI is contributing in the promotion of Ouarzazate.
According to Zitouny, making movies in the city has given direct and indirect benefits for the community. The industry provides job opportunities for «extras, technicians and craftsmen along with other laborers who participate in the constructions of settings and studios», he pointed out. Other sectors, however, flourish because of moviemaking, such as hotels, restaurants and transportation. «In 2014 35% to 40% of the nights spent in hotels in Ouarzazate were due to cinema». Abdelaziz Zitouny, based on recent statistics provided by the association declared to Yabiladi that «2,000 extras participated to the making of latest movie entitled «Storm desert» along with 500 local people and 200 technicians».
Promoting the region
Ouarzazate is still in the need of other projects to maintain the standards of the market and be competitive. Zitouny insists that «the right infrastructure should be constructed to insure the future of cinema in the city». «A strategy should be put together to make of Ouarzazate an enjoyable destination where staff of the industry won't be bored», said Zitouny referring to restaurants, hotels and other entertainment places. «We cannot afford another incident like the one that occurred during the making of Prison Break», Abderrazzak concluded.
Ouarzazate is a major contributor to the field of filmmaking, its landscape is also a blessing for its inhabitants. However, a road map should be put together to maintain the popularity of the Berber town.

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