While Ceuta has finished identifying and accommodating Moroccan minors who arrived in the Spanish enclave two weeks ago among a group of about 9,000 people, it appears that a high amount of families based in Morocco and contacted by the Spanish authorities, refuse the return of their children. Thus, according to El Faro de Ceuta, which cites well-informed sources, 92.5% of parents would be interested in knowing the status of their children but they explained that they prefer them remaining in Spain. The arguments put forward by parents vary between socio-economic and family reasons, lack of money or poverty, adds the media. In only six cases, the parents were in favor of the return of their children. A return which will await the agreement of the Moroccan authorities to facilitate this regrouping. Spain's national police have successfully identified 920 Moroccan minors in Ceuta, currently accommodated in three locations. In Piniers, there are 171 boys and 67 girls. The Santa Amelia center accommodates 245 boys while 364 others are accommodated in the warehouses of Tarajal.