The Spanish government said on Friday that the leader of the Polisario Front, Brahim Ghali, did not enter Spain with a fake passport, although he used another identity in the hospital in Logroño. Europa Press reported that the government confirmed that Ghali's reception was «for humanitarian reasons», because his health condition was «dangerous after being infected with the Coronavirus». According to the same source, Ghali traveled to Spain from Algeria, with the passport that he usually travels with and which meets the «normal requirements». Therefore, there was no «false passport», although the Polisario leader «agreed to change his identity (at the hospital) for privacy reasons». Morocco expressed anger on several occasions at Ghali entering Spain with a forged passport, as well as for not being informed of this, despite the good relations between the two countries. According to the same source, the Spanish government did not agree to «any kind of immunity» before Ghali was received.