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Morocco – Ireland : A «virtual week» to promote the assets of the Kingdom
Publié dans Yabiladi le 25 - 03 - 2021

The government organization responsible for the development and growth of Irish enterprises in world markets is organizing, from Monday March 29, the «Virtual Morocco Week Brief». It aims to present the key sectors of the Moroccan economy to Irish investors ahead of the opening of an Irish embassy in the Kingdom.
Relations between Rabat and Dublin have a bright future ahead. The opening this year of an Irish embassy in Morocco and the choice of a diplomat at its head are all signs reflecting the bilateral desire to strengthen partnerships.
To further strengthen economic cooperation and investment, Enterprise Ireland, a government body responsible for the development and growth of Irish enterprises in world markets, is organizing the «Morocco Virtual Week» starting from March 29.
An event set up in collaboration with the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment of Ireland, the Arab-Irish Chamber of Commerce and the Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco in Ireland, will take place on March 29, 2021.
Presenting the key sectors of Morocco
The event will begin with a plenary session next Monday, with the participation of several ministers and officials from both countries, such as Minister of Industry, Trade and the Green and Digital Economy Moulay Hafid Elalamy and Minister of State responsible for promoting trade, digital technology and business regulation Robert Troy. The Moroccan Ambassador to Ireland, Lahcen Mahraoui, will also speak during this plenary.
Six thematic panels planned throughout the week will follow the session which will cover all sectors, from logistics and agriculture, to the automotive and aeronautics industry, including renewable energies and finance.
Morocco will be represented there in particular by Mehdi Tazi, vice-president of the CGEM, Hicham Boudraa, director general of the Moroccan Agency for the development of investments and exports (AMDIE) and Ikram Bezrhoud, from the unit of promotion of the investment in the Agricultural Development Agency (ADA), among others.
«The plan is to host a series of informative webinar sessions over the course of three days, whereby Enterprise Ireland clients can attend the session(s) relevant to their business and create interest around doing future business in Morocco. We also hope that this event will act as another step in the right direction of creating a bridge between the two countries moving into the future».
Enterprise Ireland
«Strengthen relations» ahead of the opening of the embassy
The event will be focused around key sectors within which Enterprise Ireland has identified opportunities for Irish clients over the coming years in the Moroccan market, Enterprise Ireland added. Speakers and experts in each sector will provide information and advice clients who wish to engage in the Moroccan market.
The «Virtual Morocco Week» aims to «provide industry insights and advice to clients who wish to engage in the Moroccan market», «understand doing business in Morocco» and «increase trade between Ireland and Morocco and presenting Morocco as a regional hub for Irish companies».
Enterprise Ireland, in collaboration with the @DeptEnterprise & the @Arabirishchambr are delighted to host 'Virtual #Morocco Week'. Starting the week long focus will be a Ministerial led plenary session. Registration is now open: https://t.co/VxjoFaA3hp pic.twitter.com/kEoLK7Jr4y
— Enterprise Ireland MENA (@EI_MENA) March 23, 2021
It also aims to «position Morocco as a safe and stable gateway to the African market» and «strengthen the relationship between both countries ahead of the new embassy opening in Rabat later in 2021».
«Morocco is of particular interest to Enterprise Ireland client companies in view of the emergence of the automotive and aerospace sectors in Morocco, the country's geographic position for logistics, the evolution of the country's dairy and food production sectors, the creation of Casablanca as a Financial Services and Banking Hub for Africa, and opportunities in the Education sector», says the Irish government agency.
The same governmental body added that «Morocco is also emerging as an ICT Hub for accessing the African market and its vibrant travel and tourism sector would be a market of interest for Ireland's travel tech cluster».

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