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Diaspo #184 : Khalid Naitzehou a Moroccan shoemaker in Los Angeles
Publié dans Yabiladi le 13 - 03 - 2021

Khaled Naitzehou's relationship with the shoe repair and manufacturing profession began from an early age in Taroudant, and after a long migration path, he settled down in Los Angeles, where he practices «Takherazt» (Moroccan art of shoemaking).
When then-nine-years-old Khalid entered that shoe repair and manufacturing workshop for the first time in his hometown of Taroudant, he did not know that one day he would become a shoemaker in Los Angeles.
Learning how to make shoes and repair them from an early age was not a choice but was rather imposed by his mother. She feared that her children would fail at school and thought that such a craft would guarantee their future», which is why she imposed it, Khalid told Yabiladi.
«I used to go to the workshop on weekends and holidays», recalls the 35-year-old artisan. «My first wages were 10 dirhams a week, 20 and then 80 and I used the money to buy school books», he said.
Khalid quickly learned the tricks of the trade and gained experience in it, moving from just repairing shoes to making them from scratch. «My financial situation started to improve and with the emergence of Internet cafés, I started to market my products on the internet, even though I was only a highschooler at the time», he proudly said.
After graduating high school in 2007, one of his sisters sold her jewelry so that he could travel to Romania and study European international relations. «At the time, I sort of broke up with the shoe industry», he said.
Khalid spent a year and a half in Romania, before deciding to go to Belgium, «I changed my course of studies, to nursing professions. I chose this department because it would have guaranteed me a residence permit and settlement in Belgium». At the same time, he was receiving training in a welding and construction workshop at night. «At that point in my life I was searching for myself, I did not know what I wanted, so I was trying to learn a range of professions at the same time».
But his love for «Takherazt» (shoemaking in Moroccan) was always there. In Belgium, he stumbled upon a shoe repairing shop owned by an Italian national and decided to start going there.
«In 2013, I contracted tuberculosis, and was under treatment for eight months. During this period, I felt that my life had stopped and I couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel. My body failed me and I worked as a translator for immigrants who couldn't speak Flemish».
Khalid Naitzehou
A shoemaker in the US
In 2016, the father-of-two moved to the United States to live with his American wife. «I started to realize what I wanted, and I began to dream of establishing my own business», he said. «When I arrived in Los Angeles, I worked in construction, and in the meantime I made research on how much Americans rely on 'Takherazt'», he said.
Indeed, Khalid eventually managed to find a shoe repair workshop dating back to 1934. «This shop was originally intended to repair shoes only, but I worked on developing it to make shoes and bags with a Moroccan touch. This is what makes my business different», he said.
«I am the fourth and youngest shoemaker to own this workshop, although it was not easy to buy it. My vision of the work tools and the smell emanating from the leather and adhesive, tell me every day that I am on the right path».
Khalid Naitzehou
The Moroccan artisan is keen to employ artisans from his hometown of Taroudant, Fez and Marrakech, after launching his brand «WLhandmade». Despite the Covid-19 crisis and low turnout, «I tried, as much as possible, to ensure their resilience».
Khalid's shop has attracted celebrities. «I was visited by a number of celebrities, such as Cheb Khaled, actor Danny Trejo, Jimmy Kimmel, the consul general of the Kingdom in Washington, Abdelkader El Jamoussi and Moroccan actor Fehd Benchemsi, among others», he said.
«Among those who also visited me was comedian Sacha Baron Cohen, whose shoes were torn, and I repaired them.Atfirstit was only the right foot shoe, and a few days later he brought me the left one. After that we became friends, as he passes by to say hi from time to time».
Khalid Naitzehou
This Moroccan immigrant intends to establish a center specialized in teaching how to make and repair shoes. «At first I had people who wanted to learn how to repair and make shoes in the workshop, but then I had the idea of establishing a school, which will be opened after the improvement of the epidemiological situation», he said. «I achieved what I hoped for and became a shoemaker. Where? In the United States and I am proud of that», Khalid concluded.

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