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President Xi Jinping and Peruvian President Dina Boluarte Attend the Inauguration Ceremony
Publié dans Aldar le 16 - 11 - 2024

President Xi Jinping and Peruvian President Dina Boluarte attended the inauguration ceremony of Chancay Port by video link at the Presidential Palace in Lima.

President Xi and President Boluarte were briefed by their respective transport ministers, and watched a video of the port project together. Chinese and Peruvian representatives at the project site requested instructions from the two Presidents to initiate port operations.

The two Presidents gave the order, "Open the port!"

Two container ships, the COSCO Shipping Peru and the Xin Shanghai, began offloading and loading operations. The COSCO Tengfei vessel whistled and set sail. Meanwhile, unmanned container trucks were busy passing through the port.

Warm applause broke out at the Presidential Palace.

The two Presidents delivered remarks.

President Xi extended his congratulations on the successful inauguration of Chancay Port and paid tribute to the builders of the two countries for completing all tasks together with high quality despite the COVID-19 pandemic. President Xi said it is very inspiring and encouraging to see such a modern port take shape in just a few years. The Chancay Port is not only a deep-water port, but also South America's first smart, green port. It is set to bring substantial gains and many job opportunities to Peru, and strengthen Peru as a land-sea gateway connecting Asia and Latin America. More than 2,000 years ago, the forefathers of the Chinese nation braved treacherous seas to open up the Maritime Silk Road connecting the East and the West. More than 500 years ago, the Inca ancestors of modern-day Peruvians, undaunted by challenges and dangers, scaled towering mountains and rugged ridges to build the Inca Trail running through the Andes from north to south. The Chancay Port is becoming a new starting point of an Inca Trail of the New Era. From Chancay to Shanghai, the Belt and Road Initiative is bearing fruit in Peru before our eyes. A new Asia-Latin America land-sea corridor for the new era is taking shape.

President Xi stressed that the two sides should ensure that the Chancay Port is successfully built, managed and operated, and improve its shipment capacity and overall service quality. The two sides can actively explore leveraging the corridor to enhance logistics, using improved logistics to boost trade, and utilizing trade growth to drive industrial development. Parties should consult together, build together and benefit together, with a view to empowering common development in Pacific-rim economies, including China and Peru, so that the port truly opens a route to prosperity and better lives for Peru and other Latin American and Caribbean countries, produces win-win outcomes in a larger area, and brings more tangible benefits and a sense of fulfillment for people in the wider region.

President Boluarte said that the inauguration of Chancay Port is a historic moment of which all Peruvians are proud. This magnificent project jointly built by Peru and China as part of the Belt and Road Initiative marks a crucial step for Peru toward the goal of becoming an international shipping and trade center. It will help Peru become an important gateway linking Latin America and Asia, and also vigorously promote Latin American integration, prosperity and development. The port will open a new chapter in Peru's economic development, further enhance Peru's competitiveness, and bring more benefits to all Peruvians. President Boluarte thanked China for its trust and support. From Chancay to Shanghai, the Inca Trail of the New Era will be a bridge for interactions of the two ancient civilizations and for deeper friendship between the two friendly nations. Long live China! Long live Peru-China friendship!

The Chancay Port, situated 80 kilometers north of Lima, the capital of Peru, is a flagship project of China-Peru Belt and Road cooperation. Following its inauguration, one-way shipping time between China and Peru will be reduced to 23 days, cutting logistics costs by over 20 percent and directly creating more than 8,000 jobs for Peru every year.

Cai Qi and Wang Yi, among others, were present at the event.

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